Functional Movement ScreeningsFunctional Movement Screening (FMS) is used to assess "movement quality", an essential component to reducing the risk of injury and reaching optimal levels of performance. It is used throughout the world in every major sport and by more than 50 U.S. pro and college teams.
Sports EnhancementAbilene Physical Therapy can help athletes maximize performance. Achieving peak performance takes hard work, discipline and dedication. Successful athletes understand that it’s not how much you work, it’s how you work. The therapists at Abilene Physical Therapy know this as well. Abilene Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab will develop a program specific to the individuals’ abilities and goals.
Goals of Sports Performance:
Injury RehabThe therapists at Abilene Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab enjoy treating athletes of all ages. Our treatments are geared specifically for the athletes’ unique and growing body and include education to make sure the patient learns the correct form to help them not only recover quickly but also to help prevent future injury. While we know the goal of any athlete is to get back in the game, it is important to complete all therapy to ensure a full recovery.
"I came in with three "injuries" and Chris has given me specific exercises and weight lifting methods to fix all of them. My pain is gone and I'm able to participate in everything like normal. I'm very happy with my progress and how well I've improved." EH
"My son’s coach had noticed tightness in his arm when he was throwing. He suggested we have a physical therapist check it out. My son was against going, but I insisted. Adam at Abilene Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab evaluated him and set up a treatment plan. My son was treated throughout the season and even added dry needling. By the end of the season, he was throwing harder and farther than before. My son admitted, “I am glad I did physical therapy and it was the best thing I have ever done.” Thank you for getting him back to where he needed to be! His success on the field couldn’t have happened without Adam and the staff at Abilene Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab.